CX: The Ultimate Game-Changer
Marketing convinces customers to give you a try. The Customer Experience (CX) determines what happens next.
Will they be delighted by what they discover? Will they find your promises to be true? Will they want to come back and bring others along for the ride? Will their trust be confirmed or broken?
No matter what you've done to attract customers or how you've positioned your brand, their actual experience is the make-or-break moment.
We'll help you nail it!
To help you think like your customer, we break the overall concept of CX into its basic parts.
They are:
TRUST The customer sees your business as safe, consistent, dependable, of good quality, and true to your word.
CONNECTION The customer feels like you know them, that a personal bond can be established and that it's worthwhile.
EASE The customer feels informed, their path is smooth, and doing business with you is as hassle-free as possible.
EMPATHY You know what the customer wants, what they need, what they're trying to accomplish, and why - and you actively help them on their way.
REPAIR When something goes wrong, you own it and fix it promptly. When you do, loyalty surges!
We show you how to see each of these elements through your customer's eyes so you can address weak spots and find opportunities to dazzle!
The Elements of Customer Experience Excellence
CXX Sample Concepts

When you walk in your customer's shoes and see through your customer's eyes, the opportunities get crystal clear in a hurry. We teach you four types of touchpoints and how you can maximize each for the benefit of your customer:
PEOPLE Every employee plays a role in the customer experience, even those who never get face-time with actual customers!
PLACES The physical and digital spaces where your customer interacts with your business are enormously important to how they perceive you.
PROCESSES What does the customer do when you're not around? If there are forms to fill out or steps they go through, it pays to make them clear and smooth.
PATHS These are decision points. Are your customers well-informed and confident, or stumbling in the dark?
We guide you through a visual map of touchpoints so you can understand your customer on a whole new level. And once you can look at every touchpoint by itself, you will see exactly what to fix or what to maximize.
If you believe there's profit in differentiating yourself, this is the way!
Customer Journey Mapping
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